Source Installation
To build and run the MinBan backend from source, follow these steps:
1. Clone the Repository
First, clone the MinBan backend repository:
2. Install Dependencies
Make sure you have Go 1.23+ and SQLite installed on your system.
For Go installation:
Follow the instructions at
For SQLite installation:
Refer to your system's package manager:
Additionally, install gcc and musl-dev for building Go applications
3. Build the Application
Navigate to the src folder:
Download the Go module dependencies:
Build the application binary:
This will create an executable file named main in the current directory.
4. Environment Variables
The application needs the following environment variables to be configured.
- DATABASE_PATH: Path to the SQLite database file.
- USER_NAME: Admin username.
- USER_PASSWORD: Admin password.
- JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for JWT authentication.
5. Run the Server
Once the binary is built, navigate back to the project root and run the server:
The server will start on port 9916 by default. You can access the API at http://localhost:9916.